Just released – Practical Strength for Grapplers by William Wayland.

Practical Strength for Grapplers
Learn how to lift safely and effectively from coach William Wayland who walks you through exercises which directly translate over to increased performance on the mats. Get a free eBook containing programming methodology and sample routines with every purchase.
Techniqly is pleased to announce that our newest instructional is now live.
We’ve teamed up with professional Strength and Conditioning coach; William Wayland to create an instructional designed to show you how to train safely and effectively to increase your strength and endurance on and off the mats. Filmed at the Powering Through Performance center in Essex, William walks his student; UFC Featherweight Arnold Allen through the exercises so that you can see them being performed and coached in real time.

William is a BJJ Brown Belt and experienced with years of training high level athletes in a wide variety of sports. This wealth of experience and his own BJJ training has helped him select some of the best exercises that translate over to real, practical strength gains for grapplers and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners.
Taking inspiration from strength trainer Dan John, William classifies the 3 main strength goals for a BJJ training programme as Anaconda Strength (maximum strength), Armour Building (hypertrophy) and Mongoose Persistence (strength endurance). Focusing on these strength goals, this instructional shows how to perform exercises which fall within each of the 5 main loadable movement patterns:
Pattern 1 – Squat.
This focuses on exercises such as the Front Squat, Zercher Squat and Trap/Hex Bar Deadlift.
Pattern 2 – Hinge.
This section features several variations of the Romian Deadlift and Good Morning.
Pattern 3 – Push.
Focusing on the Bench and Push Press.
Pattern 4 – Pull.
Demonstrating the correct way to train Rows and Pull Ups.
Pattern 5 – Brace.
The best exercises to increase the strength and stability of your core.

In addition to the video instructional, every purchase comes with a free eBook (including a black and white printer friendly version) which goes into greater detail regarding the methodology behind the training, some insight into the Bondarchuk principles, sample training regimes and advice on how to construct a workout plan to make the most out of the exercises demonstrated in the instructional.
Please note that a direct link to the accompanying eBook will be sent in the order confirmation email.