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One to One With Chris Haueter: Closed Guard

Chris Haueter

Obtaining his Black Belt in 1996 from Rigan Machado; Chris was practicing Jiu Jitsu before pretty much anyone outside of Brazil knew of its existence. Known for his effective and conceptual teaching style, this closed guard instructional will teach you how to retain your guard, control your opponent and ultimately, submit them with ease.


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Chris Haueter is a household name in jiujitsu: One of the ‘Dirty Dozen’ (first 12 non Brazilian blackbelts) he received his black belt from Rigan Machado in 1996. Chris holds the honour of being the first American blackbelt to compete at the World Jiujitsu Championships and is also a World Masters and Pan Am champion. He is widely attributed to having named a few positions in jiujitsu that didn’t have Portuguese names already attached such as the combat base. Perhaps less known is that he is the main coach of Straight Blast Gym founder; Matt Thornton, awarding him his purple, brown and blackbelt. Matt has since gone on to award many of his own students with their blackbelts including John Kavanagh, SBG Ireland owner and Conor McGregor’s coach.

As well as his accomplishments in BJJ; Chris was also a US Marine and wrestled through high school, and has experience with numerous other martial arts. That, coupled with his long training history and inquisitive mind, gives him a truly unique insight into the grappling arts. ⁠

Chris is known throughout the community as an inspirational coach with an intellectual approach – his seminars are world-famous, and a truly unique experience. This instructional is not your typical instructional – think of it more like your own private lesson with Chris, a snapshot into his philosophy on one of the key positions in jiujitsu, the Closed Guard. There are tidbits of advice gleaned from decades on the mats, submissions, transitions, and even a few jokes in there; all of which will contribute to improving your closed guard. ⁠

In this instructional Chris will teach you:

– His closed guard concepts and thoughts on JiuJitsu

– How to use your body and grips to control your opponent and break down their posture

– Techniques to advance your position and attack the submission

– Counters to your opponent trying to pass your guard

– Correct finishing mechanics of various submissions

We advise to watch this in one go to get a feel for the whole instructional and then break it down into the parts you want to focus on. Chris has a no-nonsense teaching style which, whilst conceptual is easy to understand and digest helping you to get the most out of his years of knowledge.




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