Mateusz Szczeciński is one of the most dynamic competitors to emerge from Poland in recent years. Known for his excellent leg lock game, Mateusz is a 2020 ADCC European champion, a Polish Gi & NoGi Champion and a veteran of professional shows such as Polaris where he competed on team Europe in their inaugral Squads event.
In this instructional, Mateusz covers all aspects of his deadly ankle lock game showing you correct positioning, the most effective grips, entries from various positions as well as defences and counters to frustrate your opponents escape attempts and ultimately finish them with ease. Presented in an easy to understand format and with great attention to detail, Mateusz’s expert instruction is guaranteed to help you improve your leg lock game by showing the quickest routes to the ankle and then how to finish in the most efficient way possible.
robert.janista (verified owner) –
Really impressive stuff. It’s short and sweet, not so many repetitions so it’s easy to watch at once. Mateusz shows a complete system so the implementation should be quite doable as he shows many variations and reactions to defences. A must have even for people that avoid leg locking.
tombristolbjjacademy (verified owner) –
Fantastic instructional
Neil Williams (verified owner) –
Picked this up after having seen this at the Polaris open mat in Southampton and in action on Polaris the sat. Beautiful and horrible ankle lock
adammathstutor (verified owner) –
Fantastic details, I would highly recommend to anyone that wants to up their footlocks. I will definitely be using the straight ankle lock alot more on unsuspecting blue belts